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Guzzo's Gang Tea Party

Location: Lady Guzzo's Tea Salon
Brunswick Acres School
Kendall Park, NJ
Date: Tuesday, the 8th day of October in the year 2002, At 2:45 in the afternoon
Special Guest:
Her Majesty The Queen of England
Contact: Email: Mrs. Guzzo
RSVP:  Any parent of The Guzzo Gang lords and ladies must rsvp in order that we may be prepared for the tea service.  Your reply is kindly requested by Sunday, October 6. Please contact the room parents if you plan to join us for tea. If you are able to assist in setting up for the party, please arrive by 2:30pm. 
Millers Rentals was honored to be asked to supply the rental needs for Mrs. Guzzo's 3rd grade class "Tea Party"

we are committed to making your event a success.....

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